Preparatory and mining work on the Horní Město deposit

The deposit was broken up by three floor horizons in the area of the Jaromír shaft. The new pit was opened with the Joseph adit, the second and third floors. In 1967, the breakthrough of the 2nd floor, leading from the New shaft to the Jaromír shaft, was completed. The two ore deposits were thus connected by mining.

Altitudes of individual horizons:

Joseph adit 614 mn. m.
1st floor 630 m above sea level
2nd floor 581 square meters m.
3rd floor 531 mn. m.

Preparatory and extraction work took place on the deposit between the 1st and 3rd floors to the NE of the Jaromír pit. Individual excavations were accessible from block chimneys, driven from the lower to the higher floor. These chimneys were also used for ventilation. From the third to the second floor, central chimneys were dug (at a distance of about 100 m from each other), which served as a supply of rubble and mining waste.

Deposits above the 1st floor area of the Jaromír pit were mined towards the NE from this pit, and mining exploration was being completed to the SW. In the area of the 1st floor, the mine works and three old mined mines were found.

To ensure mining during horizontal transport, it was used to fill ore into table feeder carts and BND-15 locomotives. The volume of mine carts was 0.64 m3, the track gauge was 600 mm. Trucks with a tipping body were used when pouring rubble into the chimneys during excavations for preparatory work. Long material was transported on specially modified carts. A WS 103 retractable door was used to transport material in the chimneys, and a VPS 118 folding door was used for heavier pieces.

Vertical transport was carried out at a cage speed of 4 m/sec, mechanical pushing and bumping of cars was used at the bottom of the pit. This capacity was able to cover the planned mining.

Mining operations took place on the deposit between the 1st and 3rd floors to the NE of the Jaromír pit. Individual excavations were accessible from block chimneys, driven from the lower to the higher floor. These chimneys were also used for ventilation. From the third to the second floor, central chimneys were dug (at a distance of about 100 m from each other), which served as a supply of rubble and mining waste.

Basically, the process of mining from the field was followed, i.e. from the edge of the mining area to the center. The vertical progress from top to bottom allowed a sufficient advance of the upper floors, at the same time, an advance in the mining of overlying deposits. Mining methods used were dump mining, open chamber and pillar chamber. The calculated mining capacity ensured the planned mining of 60 kt per year and its increase was not considered.

To ensure mining during horizontal transport, it was again used to fill ore into carts of table feeders and BND – 15 locomotives. The volume of mine carts was 0.64 m3, track gauge 600 mm. Trucks with a tipping body were used when pouring rubble into the chimneys during excavations for preparatory work.

The outlook was also considered with the opening of the open chamber from the mezzanine corridors and with the opening of the inclined chamber.

Commonly available mechanization, VK-25 hammer drills and telescopic supports were used during excavation and mining, the maximum length of the boreholes was 4 m. Heavy lifting was done with ŠV-20 or VŠE-240 scraper cranes and NL-12V dump air loaders. Corridors were driven mainly in profiles CH – 7 /2.2 x 1.6 m), CH – 9 (2.40 x 1.85 m), CH – 11 (2.0 x 2.2 m), e.g. Josef tunnel. The main trench at the level of the 3rd floor was excavated in the CH – 15 profile (2.2 x 2.5 m). Chimneys with a profile of 2.0 x 1.5 m were carved classically.

Blasting work was carried out with Perunit 20 explosives and DEM and DEP electric detonators.

Overview of mining from the deposit:


Year Tons % Zn % Pb
1965 3 620 3,04 0,55
1966 10 935 2,92 0,49
1967 28 860 2,76 0,52
1968 60 330 2,73 0,43
1969 60 212 2,30 0,60
1970 45 345 2,19 0,45

In total, 209,302 t of ore with an average metallicity of 2.50% Zn and 0.50% Pb was extracted from the deposit. Average logging was 87% and pollution 18%.
